Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Disneyworld 2012 - Day 4

Also known as day 2 of Magic Kingdom, the day in which we managed to hit all missed points from the previous day and blast through repeats of all the faves.

Favorite ride of the day?  Jungle Cruise for Kate and Ben, Big Thunder Mountain for Drew.

We hit the start of the day early as normal, getting to the park right at the opening bell.  Things started off with K, D, and C riding Big Thunder Mountain three times in a row without even having to get off the train.  S and B rode it twice before he decided it was enough.  This was a good sign of crowd levels for the entire day.

It then became a mad rush through the day back and forth across the park to take advantage of Fast Pass timing and hitting the rides (Jungle Cruise, PhilHarMagic, Wedway People Mover, etc) that we hadn't hit the day before.  Popular repeats were Space Mountain for Drew, Buzz Lightyear 6 times for everybody, the Swiss Family Treehouse, and Pooh repeatedly.  Pooh and Peter Pan are probably Ben's actual favorites.

Cool random freebie of the day (we seem to get one every day) - As we were walking up to the Jungle Cruise to wait in line, one of the drivers approached us and asked if we would like a private boat with one other family.  So, we rode in a boat built for 25 with only 6 other people (Jayhawkers) and even got the driver to sing Happy Birthday to Ben.

We also re-did Cosmic Ray's for lunch, due to volume of food for 5 Phelan's.  Snacks of the day were smoothies and the ice cream cookie sandwich which was more than enough for three hungry kids.  Some mid-day child grumbling was mostly worked through by all parties.

Drew and Kate continued fantastic work earning their Phelan legs.  Pretty sure we would have pounded most of their friends into submission by this point.

Dinner was at Cape May at the Beach Club, heavy seafood theming on that one.  Everybody liked it.  Ben really liked it, mainly because it had paper tablecloths you could draw on.  He basically covered the whole thing. 

A late jaunt around the Boardwalk area basically ended the night.  B and D really liked the ESPN bathrooms thanks to the TVs in them.  Home and bed by 9:30.  Animal Kingdom tomorrow.

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