Saturday, September 15, 2012

Disney 2012 - Magic Kingdom part 3

And, the great departure from the parks begins. 

AM, finished loading and then off for a 7 AM birthday breakfast for Ben at Chef Mickey's where Pluto, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Mickey all came by.  A short walk to the Magic Kingdom and we were off to the races one last day.  Hit all the high points and favorites including Splash Mtn and Big Thunder Mtn (3 rides for the big kids, Drew to the point he kept his hands up the whole time), Peter Pan, Pooh, Goofy's Barnstormer, Buzz Lightyear (Sherri was the best shooter here), and the TTA ride. 

Smoothies and the biggest ice cream cookie sandwich ever were the snacks of the day.  Pretty hot and definitely the biggest crowd, but our plan was to head out around two anyway so that was a minor inconvenience. 

Amazingly we ran into some Mount Zion people as we headed out of the park one last time.

Headed to Downtown Disney to use up the remaining snack credits we had including cupcakes for Ben's birthday and build your own rice krispie Mickey heads.  Our overall departure was delayed a good hour by a huge downpour that kept us in stores rather then walking to grab lunch.  Finally picked up our food at a good Irish deli place then we were on our way.

Landed in St. Augustine a couple hours later, played in the sand and Atlantic for about 20 minutes, then hotel and bed time.

Tomorrow, frolic on the beach for a bit more in the AM then the scenic route through south GA and home.

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