Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Disneyworld 2012 - Day 3

Magic Kingdom day.  Nice early start as always.  We headed to the Magic Kingdom for a day of fun and frolic.  This park is the furthest off so we headed out at 8:15 and made it there in good time of the 9 AM open.  Immediate jaunt to Frontier Land for Big Thunder and Splash Mountains.  Kate loved both, Drew like Splash more than Big Thunder (we'll come back to that), and Ben did really well for his first big kid coaster action.  He basically screamed the whole time since he thought that was a necessary thing to do.

Side note:  Kids, as you read this blog in 10 years or more, you need to realize that mom and dad pretty much dominate Disneyworld with awesome timing, Fast Pass usage, and maneuvering through crowds.  There can't be many families that hit everything as quickly and easily as we do.  Just remember that.

Highlights of the day?  Kate did not like driving her own car at the Grand Prix Raceway.  Drew momentarily lost his Cubs hat, but Chris tracked it down while the rest of the family went on It's A Small World.  That's pretty much a win win for all parties.  We were randomly given the world's largest ice cream sundae (basically the size of Kate's head with a cookie, brownie, sponge cake, who knows how many scoops, chocolate/strawberry/caramel/pineapple sauces, and 4 inches of whipped topping by a Disney worker.  It took us 8 minutes to eat it as a family.  In your face American propensity for overindulgence. 

Today was a day that surprised the parents a bit as we had to encounter some big changes from previous trips that caused us to learn some new things about park layouts and inner workings.  Change bad. 

We rode the monorail in, the steamboat out.  Saw the parade.  Hit about half the rides in the park.  We will definitely his this park again.  Ben managed a good nap fairly late in the day.  Ate at Crystal Palace with Tigger and the gang.  Yummy.  The kids all hit various levels of slap happiness by the end of the day, mainly Ben with his random singing in the car on the way back to the hotel.

Kate got to go up and take the pirate pledge at Pirates of the Caribbean.  Drew got to fistbump with multiple characters.  Ben has managed to hug just about everyone.  No character fears for anyone.  Did the park stroller free for the first time today.  Liberating in terms of mobility and whininess about who got to ride in it.

Major kudos to Kate and Drew who really earned their Phelan legs today.

Fave rides?  Kate said Big Thunder as did Ben though his might have been the monorail.  Drew loved Goofy's Barnstormer though he did end up really enjoying  the mountain coasters and even rode with his hand's up for most of it. 

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