Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yay Marlins! Boo 4 AM wakeups! Boo croup!

Kate had her first t-ball game of the season last night. Hit well, fielded well, we just need to work on her directional throwing, but that'll come with time. Drew and Ben happily watched with Gram. Went to Moe's afterwards to eat and Shari/Andrew were going also so we had a big old party there.

Kate then woke up at 4 AM (this after Ben's 4 AM shenanigans the night before) with wheeziness, coughing, etc so that was really awesome for our tiredness. Turns out she has croup, which sounds a bit like a 1700's pirate disease to me. 3 days of meds and breathing treatments, but otherwise no big deal.

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