Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Beginning

I'll be honest, should have started this long ago. Sherri and I have intermittently kept up journal stuff about Kate since she was born and folded in Drew and Ben as they came along but, like most parents, really busy lives means there are probably some cute, funny, eventful, or somewhat horrifying stories now lost to the mists of time. Oh well, we'll just have to catalog them from here on out. I assume this blog may help. A little more immediate, a little more centrally located. And as long as the vast series of tubes, bells, whistles, and wires that make up the internet keeps working we should have a long lasting record of Phelan kid activity.

I won't bother too much with setting up who we are. If you are reading this, then you probably already know us pretty well. If you don't know us pretty well, then wait for a few dozen more posts and you'll have us pegged soon. My goal is not to document the kids lives to the utmost, that would probably be unhealthy. Plus, you'd get tired of reading about their awesomeness and my bias. Just fairly big events, stories most people would consider cute/funny, and probably some other random stuff here and there. Heavy on the light stuff, light on the heavy stuff as it were.

Events to note:
Lost her first tooth on 4/1/10. Got her $1 from the Tooth Fairy (the economic times are tough even for fairies). She woke up in the middle of the night freaked out she swallowed another one but all was good.

Continued success away from diapers. Superhero underwear is a potent motivational tool.

Tooth #1 makes an appearance. Let the biting begin.

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