Thursday, April 29, 2010

Journey Walk results

Every 15 laps equals 1 mile and we had about 40 minutes to do this. Kate pounded out 47 laps and would have been able to hit a few more if not for the fact that a good portion of the parents and younger kids walked so slowly as to clog up the track a bit. Ben also went the same 47 laps, though he was little more than ballast strapped on to Sherri

Drew made it 35 laps with me. I had figured 30 laps was a wildly optimistic target. I think he could have had a few more, but the arrival of the Chick-Fil-A cow (Drew considers him completely evil) managed to wreck our pace a few times.

So, between the two of them, I think they managed to raise $61 for the Indonesia mission trip.

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