Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Disney 2016 - Day 5

Thanks to park hopping, we bounced between Hollywood and Epcot today.

This was a day heavy on character meetings which Jake thought was delightful.  From start to finish of the trip, he was much beloved by the characters due to his cuteness.  He continually got extra time with them often holding up the overall line and many times had all the characters group around him at the same time.

He was also great at saying cheese repeatedly at picture time.  And, thanks to one character pointing out his Kermit shirt, he then began showing off his shirt (every day, regardless of shirt) to every character.

Events of the day:
Ben lost a tooth in Norway.  He wasn't doing anything specific, it just sort of fell out.  So, we got to clean that up in the Norway bathrooms.
All the kids loved Test Track the most.  That ride brought out their competitive nature as they constantly strove to outscore each other overall and on specific legs.
Jake's faves were Nemo and Frozen which were the first rides where he immediately said "Again" once they finished.
Upon meeting Goofy, Jake got to do the hot dog dance with him and he got extra hugs from Daisy.

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