Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Disney 2016 - Day 3

Animal Kingdom all day

Our general day was going ride to ride.  For bigger events:
Ben got to visit the first aid station.  At the end of our day, we were heading out of the park, Ben was jogging to keep up and just randomly stumbled.  So, we got to bandage a couple of scrapes.
We ate massive piles of meat at the Flame Tree Barbecue while surrounded by bold cranes looking for a bite
to eat.
While riding the single rider line at Everest, Kate got shifted into a car with the japanese dudes.  Pretty sure they thought she was cute since they asked her age and then took a selfie with her on the ride.  Kate could not have been more uncomfortable and it was pretty funny to listen to her after.
The big 3 kids got to join the soccer party in Africa with goal scoring, headers, and general hilarity.
The bird show is always a big hit.  I got applause for not flinching from a bird flying right over my head.

Fave rides were the safari for Kate, Everest for Drew, Primeval Whirl for Ben, and the safari (hippos specifically) for Jake.

In reality, Jake's favorite is probably always just meeting characters.

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