Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Drew the Dropout

Drew got in trouble today for not obeying and not doing his
schoolwork. I told him that he was a very smart boy and he needed to
do his schoolwork so that his brain could keep growing. I also told
him that if we would focus and do his school, he would probably be
done in about an hour, but next year, when he's in kindergarten, he
will have to do more schoolwork. He said, "Well, I'm quitting school
when I get to kindergarten." I asked him how he would get a job when
he got older if he didn't get a job and he said, "I'm not getting a
job." I asked him how he would get food or clothes or a place to live
if he didn't have any money from a job. He said he was just going to
find somewhere to play Wii all day. I explained that the Wii required
electricity and shelter and he said, "Ok. You're right. Can I just
go do my school now?"

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