Monday, May 4, 2015

Jake is on the move and other Jake updates

He's not crawling yet, but he definitely took a big leap (so to speak) forward with his creeping.  He's able to cover a pretty good radius around where you set him down.  In other news, I'm pretty sure he is actually referring to me when he says "ma ma ma" and that he's referring to Chris when he says "da da da".  If that's the case, "Ma ma ma ma ma...." was his first word and "Da da da da da..." came a couple of weeks later.

He has also done this cute little wave thing for a while that's a little different from a wave.  It's his 'come hither' call when he wants you to come and pick him up.  

I'm really not happy that my baby is turning into a big boy.  I can honestly say that God has allowed me to really enjoy him.  I didn't get to completely enjoy the others when they were babies because of anxieties, fears, being busy caring for lots of kids at once, and other things.  I hope it doesn't come across that I didn't enjoy them - I totally did - but I just have a different peace, confidence, and contentment now.  The other really special thing about Jake being a bit removed from the others in age is getting to watch his big sister and brothers care for him and enjoy him.  I can't remember a time when I asked someone to hold or sit with Jake so I could do something and I didn't have multiple volunteers to choose from.  I am so thankful that God's timing is perfect.  We waited and prayed for Mr. Jake for 4 years and I really believe that God had us wait so we could really enjoy all of the kids a bit more.  

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