Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kate's first championship

So, Kate won her first competitive championship today, this one in soccer (as the earlier pictures show).  Things to remember about this tourney...

1.  It was played in deep November, so you can imagine just how warm it was.  At this point, my family should be thanking me for gravitating towards indoor sports.
2.  Kate's team had no subs.  Thanks to sickness, the entire tourney was played and won with 6 girls, with none of them ever getting a break.
3.  One of those 6 was playing on a foot injury and couldn't run, so she was the goalie.
4.  Another had an ear infection and a 102 fever the whole time.
5.  Kate was on the downslope of getting over a cold.
6.  Part of one game was played a person down when one of them got lost on the way to the game.

But, they fought through it all, Kate played some stellar backline defense clearing out multiple goals, and they probably found what can work well as the main core of the team going forward.

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