Saturday, September 21, 2013

Phelan/Niemann Vacationfest 2013 in retrospect - Day 3

Animal Kingdom today.

We started off with a bang by hitting the Safari ride.  This is a great early morning event because the animals are hugely active.  We weren't disappointed.  Elephants, rhinos, lions, and any other animal in the park were up and moving around.  The giraffes were only about 20 feet from our car. which was pretty awesome.

We spent a lot of time criss crossing the park to hit Everest.  This was the favorite ride for Drew and Kate, Ben was tall enough but we decided he wasn't ready to meet a Yeti or go on a rollercoaster backwards in the dark.  This seemed to be an easy call.

We ate at Restaurantosaurus.  Like all places, we choose the place based on volume (thanks non-stop growing children) and ability to fit into our whirlwind.

Ben's favorite ride might have been the Lion King show which continues to be awesome.  Least favorite ride had to be Dinosaur, or as Drew summed it up "I am NOT riding that one again."  It's a little intense for an adult, so I think a 6 year old probably has no chance to enjoy it.

We saw bird shows, avoided boring stuff, got to ride stuff for all ages, and got out of the park early since it closes earlier than the rest.  We hit the hotel pool for some frolic time for the kids.  The adults mainly just watched.  We did get to see all sorts of foreign ideas of what an appropriate bathing suit is so that was quite the eyeful.  Also, some lady changed her swimsuit top without really bothering to have any semblance of modesty.  How European.  And awful.  Did I mention awful?

Dinner at Cape May Cafe, which probably won't make the cut next time.  The food is fine, but seemed to have less than last time and a lot of it (crab legs and unpeeled shrimp) is high effort, low payoff food.  I wouldn't say we were underwhelmed, more like we were just plain whelmed.

We walked around the Boardwalk afterwards late at night.  Great weather, no slow walking people, saw some good lights and sights.

30,490 steps today.

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