Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ben - Singing and justifying

While driving down the road, Ben starts singing "Jesus Loves Me".

Ben: "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.  Little ones to him belong, we are weak but...."


Ben:  "We have to say but because it's in the Jesus song."

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ben's Last T-ball Game This Year

When we drove in the garage tonight after Ben's last t-ball game, the following conversation took place:

Ben: It's a happy day and a sad day.

Me: Why is it a sad day?

Ben: Because I don't have no more t-ball games.

Me: Why is it a happy day?  

Ben: Because I got everything I wanted (he had been talking about getting a game ball, getting a trophy, and getting a cupcake for his team party).

Thursday, May 16, 2013


At tonight's t-ball game, Kate hit two home-runs and Drew hit one.  I couldn't believe how far the ball rolled.  Since we play on an adult softball field, there is no chance for them to hit it over the fence, but they had no trouble rounding the bases because the ball rolled so far.  

In other news, we've decided to officially make Ben a left handed hitter in t-ball.  He just keeps grabbing the bat that way and going to that side, so now, with 3 games left in the season, we switched him to the left.

Mother's Day

Before I forget, I need to write about how funny Ben was on Mother's Day.  I suppose he expected there to be a party based on the questions he kept asking.  

He asked the following:

At our house: "Is it Mother's Day right now?"
In the car: "Are we going to Mother's Day?"
In the bathroom at church: "Is it Mother's Day in here?  Is it Mother's Day out there?"

Such a cutie.  

Another funny one from today: One of Kate's friends found out today she had lice in her hair.  I described it to Kate as looking for eggs early in the day.  In the afternoon before t-ball, Ben said, "Stay away from Bekah because she has eggs in her hair!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Performances at Journey Graduation

Ben's group singing Jesus Loves Me (hilarious): 

Drew and Ben singing Journey Song: http://youtu.be/lB1s-W5CSbs

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DONE with Standardized Testing

By Georgia state laws, we are required to do standardized testing every two years starting in 3rd grade.  We just finished taking the Stanford 10.  I've learned that there are some really bad questions, but most of them seem really easy and oversimplified.  I've also found a skill Kate is very behind on compared to her public school 2nd graders...she is pretty bad at bubbling in answers on Scantron sheets.  I suppose if scantron bubbling were a job title or a qualification on a resume, I would be concerned.  For now, though, I will just be happy for my daughter because she's now 8 and has just "bubbled" for the first time.  It's a blessing she can't fully appreciate.  

This is a picture of Kate and Dylan after they finished their two days of testing and I got the tests all packed to mail off for scoring.  It's also a huge blessing to tell them that their scores don't matter because I know what they are learning and I know they are doing well.  I don't need a standardized test to tell me that.