Saturday, July 14, 2012

Funny Things Ben Says

My favorite thing Ben says right now is "Whaaauuut" in multiple tones.
He pretty much says it when he has nothing else to say (not when you
call his name and he's just responding. He is clearly doing it to be
silly and it is incredibly cute.

The other day, I had just taken Ben out of the bath after a trip to
the pool. He asked me where his suit was, but however he said it made
it completely unintelligible to me. So, I asked him to try to ask me
another way so that I could understand him. He thought hard and then
said, "Where is my suitcase?" I explained to him that we didn't need
the suitcase because we weren't going anywhere. Frustrated, he said,
"for swimming!" and I realized that he had confused suitcase with
swimsuit. The funny thing is that he asked me a few days later where
his suitcase was and he was again talking about his swimsuit.

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