Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another day in Chicago

And, here we go again. Today was wet about half the time, windy and chilly the whole time. And it didn't matter a bit because today was awesome fun. The rundown:
1.  We took our first trip on the Chicago transit bus system.  It was pretty packed, but ultimately a better travel option for our needs than the El.  Anyway, it was different and fun.  I still feel a bit out of sorts using public transportation on a vacation but distance, weather, and 3 kids with short legs have somewhat conspired against our insane walking adventures.

2.  Lincoln Park Zoo - I knew it from the commercials during Cubs games, no one else had a clue about it.  It was an awesome zoo.  Puts the Atlanta one to shame.  Free to go in and it is full of amazingness.  We got to see all of the requisite zoo type animals along with some extra fun.  The theming of each section was great, felt almost Disney like in it's niceness.  In the giant feline room, we got to witness a roaring contest between the two lions and the tiger.  It was pretty cool, loud, and reminded us that without the bars in the way we would be lunch.  They also have a pretty awesome kids area with some cool mini-farms, interactive exhibits, and a petting area.  Oh yeah, they also got to feed cows. Gigantic cows.  Not babies, full on huge cows with heads bigger than Ben's whole body.  Drew was a bit hesitant and only did it a couple of times, but Ben and Kate could have done it all day long.  And, since we were the only people there, they could have.

3.  The Magnificent Mile - Yeah, it's a total tourist trap, but it's still fun to see.  One mile of tons of stores, cool buildings and architecture, random union picket lines, and a Chick Fil A oasis of food that fueled us to finish the day strong.  Kate got to go to the American Girl store with Sherri and Ben while Drew and I hung out in the Lego store and did manly things with manly construction sets based on Star Wars.  We hit a few other stores and explored at our own pace which was set on it's normal super fast speed.

4.  Millenium Park - This was an end of the day add-on.  It's basically a giant park with some art, bridges, and random stuff so we took pictures, the kids ran around, and we killed off a bit more energy.  A final few blocks walking to a bus stop and the ride back to the hotel.

5.  Some random grocery store - Named Jewel-Osco.  Needed some food supplies for the room.

All kids now asleep.  Drew's favorite thing today was probably the termite tunnel, riding in the backpack, and exploring.  Ben was pretty much hooked on Sherri.  Kate really liked the cows.

Side note, Kate is a beast and has fully earned her Phelan walking legs this trip.  Between climbing mountains and walking every step of the way with us through the city, she has proven her ability to walk distances and speeds most people would not be able to handle and she has done it all without a bit of complaining. 

Drew is well on his way to this lofty status.  His moutaineering is coming along nicely and he's building up to the long distances, just a few years to go on that process.

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