The lives and times of Kate, Drew, and Ben Phelan who, when done growing, will probably all be taller than your average doorway.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Drew would currently not ratify the 19th amendment
Mainly because he is very much aware of and not wanting to use girl stuff right now. He refused to drink water from a red cup with pink hearts on it because that made it girl water. Also asked if the dog treats were for girl dogs only.
A blog about the daily lives of growing up as Kate, Drew, and Ben Phelan. Mostly, but I bet I'll veer into random asides at times. Ultimately, the goal is to give the kids a peek into their childhood lives 20 years from now when they can barely remember a time before jet fuel powered hover cars, hologram based video games, and robot maids that do all the cleaning for you.
Written almost solely from the perspective of the parents, Chris Phelan and Sherri Phelan
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