Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thanks for the fun night in-laws/Sherri

So, forget the the kids in this one. This post is all about me. Sherri's parents are on a much needed vacation. When you leave behind a house, you tend to leave behind a couple of things that need doing. Sherri remembered last night at about 8PM that those things (take trash out, water indoor plants, move some stuff) still needed doing that night.

So, I did it, especially since Ben needed to stay home and was stuck on her like white on rice.

The only thing is, no one informed me that their new house has a working alarm system or that the code is now different than it was at the old house. There really is no feeling quite as helpless as those few seconds between realizing the alarm pad is warning you of an imminent alarm and knowing there isn't a thing you can do to stop it. Thankfully, with the door closed, what sounds like a piercing alarm on the inside can only be faintly heard on the outside. And, with the combination of empty neighborhood lots and really old people with poor hearing around them, I actually think I may have distrubed no one.

Plus, when the alarm company called to check to see if it was a real or false alarm, I was able to guess the all clear code.

So, that was pretty awesome.

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