Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Drew is funny. And, other stuff.

While walking down the stairs last night, Pophank was going into his tendency of over-managing a situation and telling Gram something to do that she had well under control.  Her response to him was "Dick, still 61."

Followed immediately by Drew, "Pophank, still two and a half."

The other stuff.  Ben is on the verge of either crawling or standing up and taking off.  A bit of a race to see which happens first.  Gotta do video of it.  Or pictures, or something. He can kind of move himself around backwards, the inefficiency of that movement is perplexing.  Kate is having a blast at VBS with Sherri as her teacher.  Sherri has to keep reminding herself that the rest of the class is not quite where Kate is when it comes to reading/writing ability which is throwing some kinks in the progress of the class activities.

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