Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Catching up

Climbed Stone Mtn on Sunday with the Niemann crew. Kate and Andrew did a good job together and sort of spurred each other on when tired. Drew still does not like the wind, especially on the top of the mountain but he may finally be getting past it. He climbed the steeper top part under his own power rather than in the backpack.

Ben has at least 5 teeth pretty clearly poking through. If I had to guess, I would predict he will talk before he walks. We are OK with this.

Went to the Dekalb Farmers' Market where the kids knew they had to pick one thing to try they have never eaten before. Ended up coming home with a casaba melon. Not cooked and eaten yet, but it is lurking.

Kate has decided that artichokes are grosser than brussel sprouts, so we may have a new food to mock. More bike riding (and crashing) but a better attitude about not doing it perfectly right at first.

Ben does not like flying like Superman. On the flip side, Drew really likes his Superman jammies.

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