Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Drew the Gentleman

We were at Epcot and the kids had all just received free icees to celebrate Jake's upcoming birthday. While they were sitting and drinking, I was just standing there (I guess I'm used to standing after a week at disney). I then went over to sit on the next bench, saw it was wet, and decided to keep standing. Drew got up and went to sit on the wet bench. He hesitated, shrugged his shoulders and then sat down. Then, he slowly slid himself over through more water until a seat next to him was dry and called me over to sit down next to him. He literally soaked his bottom so I would have a dry place to sit. I told him that it was probably the sweetest thing he had ever done for me!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

MaMa going to heaven

Jake just asked me if someone had to eat MaMa so she could go to heaven. We said, "Why, Jake?" And he said "because God loves in our hearts!"