Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drew's 4th Birthday

Drew had a very fun party at Bounce-a-Rama and enjoyed his Spiderman/Superman/Batman cake.  All his friends came and he had a blast.  Yesterday, the day before his birthday, we went to visit MaMa and Grandmother with Grandmama, Grandad, and Dylan and he opened presents there. Then, we came home and he opened presents from Gram and us.  We finally gave in on the weapons, so Drew got three Nerf guns, a couple of foam swords for the pool, and Hulk "Smash" hands. Kate spent her own money to buy him a Bat Cave and she told me that she enjoyed seeing him open it more than she enjoyed getting presents herself.  He got lots of fun outdoor toys like an airplane shooter, a helicopter, and a stomp rocket, along with some great action figures and even a fishing set.  Today, he gets a day off of school and chores and can play or watch tv all he wants until his soccer practice tonight (as long as he doesn't interrupt school for the others).  

Monday, August 29, 2011


Only one cricket was harmed in this construction and it was purely accidental.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Funny comments from Drew and Kate and Sweet Comment from Ben

On the way home from church today, Drew noticed that someone had a sprinkler going.  He said, "Hey - Why is someone washing their grass?"

On our first day of studying Astronomy, we were looking on my phone to see where the stars and planets were in relation to where we were.  When I pointed the phone toward Kate's head, we could see Uranus on the sky map.  Kate said, "My head's Uranus!  I never thought my head would be Uranus!"  

On the way home from a homeschool swimming party tonight, Kate and Drew were thanking us for taking them and telling us they loved us.  Ben said, "I love you too Mommy!"  That's the longest understandable sentence he's uttered so far.

Drew's Special Date

With Tony and Addie.  The Cubs won.  Their favorite thing were the racing tools in the outfield.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kate's special date

Playing dress up at the store and then ihop