Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Doing some reading

Monday, December 20, 2010


Ben's fave toys

Currently a two toy race between balls and books. He can sit in the same spot for 30 minutes "reading" books one after the other. And, balls clearly bring him a ton of joy. We are also surprised at his desire for autonomous play, figured he would either tag along more or want to do what Kate/Drew are doing, but he pretty much walks off on his own and can play happily for quite a while.

Current fave colors

Kate has shifted from pink to purple. Drew has shifted from orange to gray.


Officially, that is the first 4 letter word that Drew has been able to read.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Random Updates

Things have been sparse around here because life gets in the way of writing about life.  So, what's been going on?
Kate got to experience a late night emergency room visit.  Ultimately, no big deal, but general crumminess became bad crumminess became a 10 PM trip to Scottish Rite.  An ultimately forgettable illness thankfully.
Drew had his first musical performance at church, just a little handbell exhibition for his 3 year old class.  Addie enjoyed the spotlight exactly as much as she did for soccer.  Drew and Emmy were focused automatons of ringing.  Maisie and McCoy bounced back and forth to their parents like pinballs.  Drew was pretty awesome, not to self.  Post the video, he is way focused on ringing and doing it right.  His mechanical abilities still continue to amaze.
Thanksgiving was quite fun.  Now that the kids are all getting old enough, I enacted the first annual Thanksgiving sportsapalooza. Played wiffle ball, soccer, and tag in the Mitchell's backyard.  Parents vs. Kids and Boys vs. Girls.  Sherri nailed Drew with a wiffleball in the stomach, leaving a perfect ball shaped bruise, complete with indentations and cutouts.  Drew, if you are reading this 20 years from now I am pretty sure she did it on purpose so make sure I am your favorite from now on.
Sitting in the gym last night, Drew told me his bottom burped.
Went to a Gwinnett Gladiators hockey game thanks to Kate's reading prowess.  We had a blast, Gwinnett won, lots of goals were scored.  The kids had a blast, especially since they got to hear "We Will Rock You", see lots of pushing and shoving, and the general excitement of all of the activity.
Ben is a walking machine now.  Lots of 10 step jaunts, some turning.  He can say basketball, though in the slightly mangled dialect of a 1 year old.  He eats everything, more than Kate or Drew did if I had to size it.