Friday, August 27, 2010

Once again, soccer season

Or, an actual OK excuse for Drew to kick things. Kate is back with her crew, most o the team is the same as last soccer season, adding in Sophie which Kate is thrilled about. Rest of her team is Watson, Wynn, Andrew, Katie, Audrey, Zach.

Drew is playing for the first time, and I had forgotten (willfully obstructed) the memories of how much more stressful it is coaching 3 year olds that haven't played before. Drew has Emmie and Addie on his team which is nice. Other random kids are Riley, Theran, Ella, and Ethan. Once Drew decides playing is fun, he'll pretty much dominate I think. May not happen until we get into games though. Plus, he's the youngest one out there.

School updates

Kate is an avid reader. lots of time spent with puzzles, math, parts of speech, handwriting, following directions, creative writing, and probably 20 things I am not thinking of.

Drew spends time with puzzles, learning letters and numbers, and mechanical manipulation of objects.

Ben is a partial walker

As of about 5 days ago, he will now get up and walk behind something. Maybe 10 steps max, but he digs it. Only a matter of time now.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kate is a relentless reading machine

And, after the test we gave her tonight, she has proven to read at somewhere between a 4th and 5th grade level.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Ben has a budding future as a sherpa

Since he has now figred out how to crawl while transporting things. The mouth can be a handy tool at times.

Week one of Katelyn the Kindergartner in the books

Lots of book technically. She learned all about Leif Ericsson, what a noun is, addition (and other math principles), a decent amount of puzzles/handwriting/and batches of other things. On the flip side, sounds like her friends in elementary school did some coloring. So, that sounds challenging.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How mellow is Ben?

Last night in the bath, Ben reached forward to get a ball bobbing in the water. In doing so, he stuck his head fully under the still running tub faucet and was thoroughly doused. Fished around, got his toy, and then sat up and smiled.

Now, imagine the same happening with either Kate or Drew at that age.